#9 Part 1: Radical Mindset Shifts to get more of what you WANT.

Radical Mindset Shift #1:

Be what you want to create what you want.

So many of us, myself included think:

When I have this, then I can do that, then I’ll be this…

The reason we don’t experience or get the results we want has nothing to do with outside circumstances and everything to do with what’s going on in our thoughts.

Think about how many times you’ve thought to yourself When I have 6-figure service sale months, then I can reduce my hours behind the chair, and then I’ll be happy and be less stressed.’

We think we need to have and do BEFORE we can be profitable, healthy, present, successful, empowered or whatever it is we’re wanting to be.

But here’s the thing…

We can BE all of those things and feel the emotions that come with being profitable, healthy, present, successful, and empowered without needing to do or have anything.

I’ll give you a personal example of this shift that I made in my own life around money.

I want to be financially free and secure and I always told myself that I had to be making a certain amount of money in order to experience that.

One day my coach asked me how being financially secure would make me feel and I said abundant.

She said, “Can you be abundant and think abundant thoughts with the current income you’re making right now?”

That’s when the light bulb went off for me because of course I can feel abundant without needing anything more than I had at that moment.

Our thoughts produce our feelings. Our feelings decide our actions, and our actions are what create our results.

That means in order to experience more of what we want we get to focus less on what we’re doing and more on how we’re being.

  • Think about a result you want to see in your life

  • Ask yourself how you will BE (feel) once you achieve it… is it calm, abundant, healthy, energized, confident?

  • Every single day actively choose thoughts that allow you to experience those feelings

Remember, every result we see, whether we perceive it to be positive or negative comes from our way of being.


#10 Part 2: Radical Mindset Shifts to get more of what you WANT.


#8 Increasing Utilization and Retention