#10 Part 2: Radical Mindset Shifts to get more of what you WANT.

Radical Mindset Shift #2:

Be your word.

It takes discipline to keep promises to yourself.

We’ll go to the ends of the earth to keep our promises to other people - our team, our friends, our family.

But we don’t think twice about selling out on ourselves because we think if we’re gonna let anyone down, might as well be our own self.

The practice of disciplining yourself to not let yourself down, and keeping a promise to yourself does two things:

  1. It grows your trust and belief in yourself.

  2. It trains your mind and body to know what it feels like when you do in fact follow through on that thing you said you would do.

Those good endorphins that get released when you come across a “challenge” and you decide you can and will handle it no matter what, are almost addictive.

Even if it’s as simple as getting up in the morning without hitting the snooze button or going to the Orange Theory class after work even though you’re exhausted.

It is not always going to feel easy to do. Most of the time you will have absolutely no motivation to do the thing.

That’s why the word discipline was used purposely. The act of having DISCIPLINE to consistently day in and day out keep your promises to yourself will make the world of a difference.

When we do the things we say we’re going to do, even if they really suck at the time, you train your body and mind that you are capable beyond what you usually allow yourself to believe.

That trickles into every other part of our life.

Your business.

Your relationships.

Your finances.

Your well-being.

When we keep our word on doing what say we want, we start to see those results made manifest because when we keep our word, we are being our word.

And our word is what creates the lives we desire.


#11 The easiest way to increase your salon’s Utilization


#9 Part 1: Radical Mindset Shifts to get more of what you WANT.