#7 Guest Experience and Pricing

Going through a price increase in the salon can be scary and we want to make sure that as our prices go up, our guests are getting 10x the value than what they’re paying.

I implemented 2 things in my salon this year that have helped ensure that happens, every guest, every time.

The first one is creating an elevated consultation.

This is super important to go over with new hires, and we also want to be confident in our veteran stylists as well!

These are a few touch-points of an elevated consultation:

  • Intentional Communication: LISTENING to every detail the guest brings up. They ask a ton of clarifying questions to make sure they fully understand what the guest is saying so they can either deliver or explain false beliefs the guests are having

  • Pre-Booking: Communicating their recommendation for the guests' maintenance keeping in mind Frequency of Visit. So, recommending anything between 4-7 weeks booking those appointments while the guest is in the chair.

  • Home Care Regimen: Educate the guest on the best shampoo, conditioner, and styling products EACH time they come in because as seasons, styles, and hair color change, their home care products will change too.

  • Suggesting Add-Ons: During that guest experience or for future reservations. This establishes authority and expertise in the guest’s mind and helps eliminate the #1 reason guests leave salons- because their stylists become too friendly and don’t offer anything new.

The second one is an elevated, back-end of the experience.

These examples will add that luxury, high-end feel to every experience:

  • Complimentary Beverages + Appetizer Menu: Get creative with the menu and come up with fun names for different beverage and healthy snack selections that align with your salon’s branding. We use a free and easy-to-use website called Canva to make these menus, check it out here.

  • Refillable Aroma Bar: New guests would be gifted a small perfume spritzer and a small lotion with an essential aroma. When they come back in, they’re able to re-fill them complimentary. You can find our favorite low-cost, spritzer and lotion re-fillables on Amazon.

  • Stress-Relieving Rituals: Include a complimentary neck + shoulder massage after the consultation, a hand massage with a warm eye pillow during the shampoo experience, or both! (Your guests will love these!)

Remember success is in the details!

These small added focuses that are done in excellence create a uniqueness the guest focuses on rather than the prices they pay. And that brings a certain kind of guest to our business!

Salt + Light,


Learn more about our 12-month program, Rich Life CEO below. Enrollment is currently open for commission/hourly salon owners! We’ll send you instant access to real salon examples of how we’ve helped our students generate over a combined $1.2 million in additional revenue.


#8 Increasing Utilization and Retention


#6 3 commitments to elevate your leadership skills