#20 Increase Revenue. Decrease Payroll.


You know all too well that the salon owner & the salon are left with a cash-eating cow when finances are managed in a reactive way. Between the cost of doing business, taxes, and overhead… the idea of having anything left over is like a bad joke your Uncle Gary tells at Christmas.

And if you’re like the vast majority of salons out there, then 60%-65% of your total sales goes to payroll (not towards your second vacation home contrary to popular belief).

You might think in order to see more profit, you need to be spending less money on payroll.  

We want our teams rolling in the dough, making as much money as they can. So, the goal is NOT to decrease what you spend on payroll. The goal is to decrease the percentage of revenue going to payroll. And you got it, your team can still make more $.


Well first, you need to know what your current payroll percentage is.

We want payroll to be between 50%-53% including owner’s pay.

Use your last payroll as an example to input the numbers in the Calculator below!

If your payroll percentage is above the 50-53% mark…

There are 2 things that can bring that percentage down without paying your team any less. And we explain what they are and how to implement them in your salon below in our Payroll 101 PDF.

Tap the blue download button at the top right hand corner of the PDF to save a copy for yourself :)


#21 Maximizing Salon Revenue: 3 Strategies for Front Desk Teams


#19 Operationalizing Core Values