#19 Operationalizing Core Values

When you establish core values, they are truly a tangible compass for the way that we get to show up for work. 

Core Values get to be operationalized.

That means we hire, fire, give feedback, and give praise based on our core values. Doing that takes the emotion out of it because our entire team helped us come up with them and that creates buy-in.

When we go to hire new team members, we have them share what their personal core values are and then we share the company's core values with them so we can make sure there’s alignment there and have them be bought in from the very beginning.

When we’re going over our core values with a potential new team member, we share the core value’s name and then 4 to 5 behaviors of what it really looks like in the salon when you are in alignment with that core value. 

For example, one example of a core value in my salon is I Wash Feet.

Now, the person we’re interviewing may be thinking,  ‘What the hell does that mean?’ So that’s why we share the behaviors of what that looks like in the salon. These are outlined strictly for clarity. 

The biggest thing about indoctrinating core values into your company is daily communication that points back to them. 

So, when I'm communicating with someone on my team whether that’s telling them they did a great job or I'm asking somebody a question out of curiosity, I always, always refer back to a core value, and I put an emphasis on the core value’s name. That way they know, okay, this is a core value right here.

Core Values are huge. They affect so many parts of your company, team retention, guest experience, and your bottom line.

Take a look at my salon’s core values and the behaviors that go with them below!

Salt + Light,



#20 Increase Revenue. Decrease Payroll.


#18 2 ways that our front desk pays for themselves and adds to our revenue